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Tina answers your questions regarding the company re-brand to Jax Wax Australia

It’s been almost 12 months since we re-branded from Adam & Eve Wax to Jax Wax Australia.
It hasn’t been easy but Tina Copland, the Owner of Jax Wax, takes the time to answer those questions about the reason behind all the changes.

With such a success brand like Adam and Eve, why did you change your name to Jax Wax Australia?

Unfortunately, we had an issue with a country in Europe who had a claim to Adam & Eve. Our marks were different and according to legal advice we may or may not have won in court. Considering all the costs that we may have incurred and with no guarantee of a win in court we decided to cut our losses and change trademarks.

What was the most difficult aspect of the name change?

We have spent years building our brand and it was a really tough decision to change – even though we own the trademark in several counties I preferred one mark that can be used around the world. Deciding on a new name and then a new logo – but still trying to retain some aspects of the old Adam & Eve mark took a lot of time, effort and expense. In some way it is like having your child grow up and leave home – you just have to let go in the end.

How has the new name been received both internationally and domestically?

In all honesty we have mixed reactions – some love and some hate! – we always had some customers that were never keen on the “sexy” advertising that we used with Adam & Eve. Some however loved the old look and name – also we must bear in mind that many of our wholesalers especially overseas have invested both time and money with Adam & Eve and now have to start again. The Australian names have gone well for us overseas as brand Australia is a big drawcard.

Why did you change the names of the products?

It did not make sense to keep the old names as they do not match with the new logo – we also really wanted to get across that we are a genuine Australian company – so many overseas companies try to pretend they are Australian and I find that really annoying – I have even found American made yoghurt in the USA that  states that it has Australian values!

What has been the most challenging component of changing the product names?

We probably did not do enough to explain that the products are still the same but with different names. It is also difficult to take some of our bestselling products and rename them – years of advertising and brand loyalty gone – but sometimes you need to make a clean cut and go with your decisions.

How is the new smaller 500gm packaging being received?

The smaller package is also divisive – smaller and mobile salons and those who want different products for different rooms have adjusted with minimal fuss – larger salons though do not want the smaller sizes and therefore we have had to retain the larger pack sizes too.


What made you decide to reintroduce the 1kg size packaging?

I would be the first to admit that we were wrong – we had enough customers tell us that they still wanted the 1kg pack so we decided to reintroduce it.

Where do you see Jax Wax in the next 5 years / 10 years?

Onwards and upwards – we are always looking for new opportunities and are always expanding.

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